Mission Statement: “The mission of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America is to inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage.”

Embroiderers' Guild of America: Where Needle Art Lives

1205 East Washington
Suite #104
Louisville, KY 40206

(502) 589-6956


New England Region - Embroiderers' Guild of America

Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont

The  New England Region (“NER”) of EGA is one of 13 regions across the United States. NER sponsors group correspondence courses, an annual Region Day with an educational program and/or tour, and other unique opportunities. NER also offers multi-day “seminars” (conferences) each year which bring nationally recognized teachers to New England. In September 2023 the EGA National Seminar, hosted by NER, will be held in Boston, Massachusetts.

With over 8,300 members, EGA is split into 12 regions, each with multiple chapters. The SOME chapter is part of the New England Region. SOME has over 90 members and is split into 5 area groups.